Thursday, August 19, 2010

Elders Trump Pastors

Pastor or elder? Which is more important to the long-term health of a local church?

Scads of cash is invested every year developing current and future pastors. This is important in so far as it shapes leaders and not managers, prophets and not puppets. Well-formed Kingdom servants rooted in an evangelical faith that cannot lie sleeping and smitten by the person of Jesus, his church, and the power of his resurrection are needed.

However, money for degree-centered pastoral formation is increasingly sparse and the model itself is undergoing seismic-shifts in a post-Christian cultural climate. Many pastors now come to church ministry second career—which is wonderful—but this presents new challenges in regards to family and finances. And, it also begs a question: if so many pastors are coming to vocational ministry later in life, why can’t the local church see its eldership as the workshop of pastoral apprenticeship? Why do we assume the distant ivory tower rather than the local coffee shop is the most realistic locale for developing leaders for Jesus’ church? What if every local church saw it as a divine responsibility to develop leading elders with Christ-like character, theological depth, and vocational ministry capability? And, perhaps even more outrageous, what if training institutions saw it as their unique call to partner with local churches and their elders and not just be that far-off place a few struggle to get to?

So, again, which is most important: pastor or elder?

Many say the pastor of course! Pastors come with resumes chocked full of reasons why they are the greatest thing since Simons, Spurgeon, or sliced bread. Three cheers for the certificates on my wall!

But. Yes, we must face this big “but.” In the life of the vast majority of congregations it is elders who outlive pastors. If a congregation finds itself in a pickle, a deadlock, or facing new realities, who is most likely to leave or be asked to leave? Very, very seldom will it be an elder. Elders trump pastors. Read ‘em and weep.

Fully understood, pastors are first elders in character and only secondly those called to live out a particular gift-mix in a unique way. A “pastor” is essentially an elder with benefits in that they are those of elder quality called and freed to focus their time on the health of the local body.

Paul did not instruct Titus to appoint pastors on Crete, but elders (Titus 1:5). He says, in essence, that the whole Jesus movement depends on these people. I concur. Any church I have been part of is as healthy as her elders. In fact, good elders can save a church from a bad pastor, but a good pastor can rarely save a church from the debilitating affects of bad eldership. The future of the church is helped, but does not hinge upon what is produced in colleges and seminaries

What trumps all is the elders we disciple in our churches—of whom only a small minority will ever end up with a nicely matted piece of paper to hang in their office.

So, what might happen if pastors—those with elder quality well equipped through the strengths training institutions have to offer—would spend more of their time making disciples of elder quality instead of running themselves ragged doing tasks that look good on a year-end report?

My hunch is we’d have oodles of elders capable of enormously solid spiritual oversight and so many pastors we’d need to start more churches to give them all something to do. Now, there’s a crazy thought!


on the journey said...

Hi Phil
I met you at the CCCC Conference and appreciated your Plenary Session.

I agree with what you say in this blog. Perish the thought that elders and the church attenders would actually stop being a judging panel and encourage their pastors to actually disciple them so they can be equipped to live out the Great Commission.

Anonymous said...

I agree - except in the case where the Pastor in the Master puppet manipulator and the elders are the brain-washed puppets

Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

I came upon this blog quite by accident thru following up on a new "follower" of my blog. I see you have not posted in awhile, and you may have even dropped blogging altogether.

I am Greek Orthodox by culture, choice and call, but I am a follower of Jesus, and do not promote Church. I witness for Christ, and He witnesses for the Church.

I hadn't thought of it before, but I think that elders are more needed than pastors. In fact, I haven't seen anyone lately in any church, including my own, who has the title and office of "pastor" actually doing their job. This is something worth blogging about, but I'm afraid I'd turn it into a rant.

On the other hand, elders, well, I think there are a lot of men (and women) who are elders in the Body of Christ, but they are not identified as such, either by themselves or by their churches.

Why? I think it's because the ministry is seen as a profession, like doctors and lawyers, and I don't care how many degrees and letters after their names people have, if they are going to be ministers of the gospel, they are simply not professionals in that sense.

A professional stands on his attainments, feels he or she deserves a level of respect (or even worship!) that goes with the position of having studied so hard and written all those papers. On the other hand, a minister of the gospel, as far as I can see it, is one who follows Christ's every move, hangs on His every word, and does what He sees the Master doing, tells what He hears the Master speak. He wouldn't think himself anymore a professional than did Peter, James or John… or Paul.

Sad to say, institutional Christianity (Greek Orthodox included) is bent on turning itself into a religious brand alongside the non-religious brands, in the marketplace of ideas and cultures, and so its leaders really do have to lead, really must have professional credentials and aspirations, and expectations.

I don't believe this for a moment, of course. But back to the topic. I don't think we need pastors as such, because we've educated ourselves out of being sheep. We're all little gods now, and so yes, I think we need some elders to knock some sense into us!

Come to think of it, I will blog this after all, after I edit it down to stand alone.

Just wanted to greet you in the Lord, brother, and say I like your ideas.

Phil Wagler said...

Thanks for all your comments...I've been out of blogging-commission during our family's move across Canada. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and sharpening our life on mission with Jesus!